Art & Culture

Art and culture form an integral part of the Würth Group. Their strong presence and the multi-faceted activities surrounding them are the result of a vivid corporate culture. Together with work spaces, the Würth International building also offers space for art and culture. The changing exhibitions and the monthly events offers an opportunity to the public for visiting the Würth International building.

In the art area in the entrance hall changing exhibitions take place, with art exponents from the art collection of Würth, which consists of over 18’500 pieces.

Cultural events such as jazz, classical music concerts, comedy and gospel have been held monthly since autumn of 2002 in our lecture hall.



TOP excursion destination in Switzerland in 2022

We are very pleased that we belong to the TOP excursion destinations in Switzerland in 2022. Basis for the Award were over 6 million guest reviews.

Top Ausflugsziel


Markus Lüpertz, Clitunno, 1989/90, bronze, painted, 46 x 21 x 20 cm, Inv. 2888

© 2019, Pro Litteris, Zurich

Würth International AG
Aspermontstrasse 1, CH-7004 Chur
Kontakt: +41 81 558 00 00

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