
Sponsoring has since years a considerable importance for the Würth Group. So, the Würth Group Switzerland supportet in the past important and traditionally Swiss Sport Events.

Würth Swiss Cup 2013 until 2016

In international terms, the Würth Group commits oneself since years for Soccer. Our values fit excellent to soccer, like employ passionatelly for success or beeing dynamic and optimistic. From 2013 till 2016, the Würth Group Switzerland was Presenting Partner from Würth Swiss Cups, this was the supplement to the allready existing international soccer exposures.

On the 1/4 finals, 22 young Soccer Fans had the possibility to escort the Soccer Profis to the field. At the Cup final 2014, the excited children were accompanied by a camera team.

Tour de Suisse 2005 until 2012

During 8 years, the Würth Group Switzerland was the main Sponsor from the event “Tour de Suisse”. During this time, Wurt Group Switzerland was able to invite more than 6’000 guests and offered them an unique experience. As well in the internal Würth world was this commitment a full success. More than 35 employees were every year on the Tour de Suisse to help, to represent the Group and as well for networking.

Würth International AG
Aspermontstrasse 1, CH-7004 Chur
Kontakt: +41 81 558 00 00

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