Würth KidsArtsClub

The Würth KinderKunstKlub is a forum for children who want to learn more about art and artists. The children can engage intensively with art and playfully create their own works of art.

Courseleader and Information


Since the beginning in 2006 Remo and Marionna lead the Würth childartclub with a lot of engagement and inspire with her competent and above all their hearty kind in dealing with children.

Remo Albert Alig: visual artist, teacher for design and art ZHdK
Marionna Fontana: Teacher for Design and Art ZHdK


Information about the Würth KinderKunstKlub can be found below and if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Sjanka Dell’Orto, sjanka.dellorto@wurth-international.com, 081 558 0 558.


At the end of the season, we present the works of the small artists during two weeks in an exhibition and make them accessible to the public.

Below some impressions:






Common visits of the topical change exhibitions in the Forum Würth Chur. Dealing with art by drawing, painting, printing and plastic coating. Art excursion around Chur, visitation of Museums, Galeries, and art in public. Joint discusion and philosophing about the seen works.

Schoolboys and schoolgirls from 2nd – 6th class

September until May, Wednesday  or Saturday afternoon.

The Wednesday group is currently fully booked.

Meeting point
Forum Würth Chur

Contrubution CHF 300.—


Registration for the Würth KidsArtClub

In the spring the allocation is made in each case for the coming season. The Würth childartclub is intended for children who show big interest in the art. You should answer the following questions first with Yes, before you announce your child for the course:

  • Have I a special interest in art and creation?
  • Introduce I myself actively in the shapes and search no hat service?
  • Know I the club appointments and come regularly?
  • Am I present in the club afternoon the whole duration of from 1.30 to 4.30 pm?

We are glad about your registrations in chur@forum-wuerth.ch and thank for your interest!

    Angaben zum/zur Teilnehmer/inIch/Wir erkläre/n mich/uns damit einverstanden, dass im Rahmen der Veranstaltung des KinderKunstKlubs Bilder von den Kindern gemacht werden und zur Veröffentlichung auf der Homepage sowie auf Social Media verwendet und zu diesem Zwecke auch abgespeichert werden dürfen. Zudem erhalte/n ich/wir die Möglichkeit, Bilder die von einzelnen Kindern aufgenommen und veröffentlich werden, vorher einzusehen. Die Bilder dienen ausschliesslich für die Präsentation des Würth KinderKunstKlubs.
    Würth International AG
    Aspermontstrasse 1, CH-7004 Chur
    Kontakt: +41 81 558 00 00

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